Tesla (Contract) – Environmental Graphic Design, Wall Murals, Specialized Fabrication Design, Wayfinding Assessment, Mapping

Working for Tesla is an exercise in maintaining the look and feel of this massive, multi-national corporation. The designs, the photography, and the ways that these elements are displayed follow strict guidelines that leave no room for error.
All of the work I completed for Tesla is under a Non-Disclosure Agreement protecting the trade secrets for their Fremont Factory, Giga-Factory in Austin, and various other facilities in North America.
A Brief Description
Working as a contractor for Tesla out of the Workplace Design Department in Fremont, Ca, my duties included mapping the 5.1 million square foot facility and creating a Google Earth-style interface that allowed team members from all over the world access to the production line techniques without the travel expenses.
Using the map I built of the Fremont Factory and existing maps of the Austin and Berlin factories, I created interior programming that accounted for code compliance, wayfinding, and support for the inter-factory medical services for emergency response.
During my tenure, I managed graphics projects for dozens of projects both locally and internationally, above and beyond the responsibilities of mapping and wayfinding assessment.

Fremont, CA Factory, 17 buildings, 5.1 million square feet

Giga-Factory in Austin, TX